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Tue 1st October, 2024, 10am to 11am

Decarbonising Culture & Optimising Engagement

This webinar will help you understand how to fully align your staff and suppliers, discussing: – Recognising your current culture – Creating cultural change – Rescripting pushbacks – The importance of alignment – Introduction to managing..

Wed 2nd October, 2024, 10am to 11am

An introduction to environmental legislation for business

In this session, we will provide a concise overview of the main pieces of UK environmental legislation that are relevant to most businesses. Our aim is to equip delegates with a broad understanding of key areas such as waste disposal, energy, F-gas..

Wed 16th October, 2024, 10am to 11am

Carbon Footprinting, the Next Steps

So you’ve produced, your first carbon footprint, now what? This webinar will help organisations use the available information to prioritise the areas of focus for reducing their carbon emissions and the associated financial benefits.

Wed 23rd October, 2024, 10am to 11am

Net Zero Journey: Understanding & Implementing Carbon Reduction Planning with Science-Based Targets

In this webinar, we will explain what science-based targets are, how to build a science-based reduction plan for your business, and how to determine if you are on track.

Tue 29th October, 2024, 10am to 11am

Managing Climate Anxiety and Denial

This webinar will cover: – Recognising how your staff feel about climate change – How to have effective climate conversations – The importance of emotional intelligence in communications – Creating psychological safety to support effective..

Wed 30th October, 2024, 10am to 11am

The Positive Impact of ‘S’ in ESG – compliance, diversity and inclusion

Description At its core, ESG social is about human rights and equity – an organisation’s relationships with people, as well as its policies and actions. The focus on carbon and net zero has diverted the agenda from Human Rights. The UK Equality..

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News inCharnwood

LATi Sessions - Sept 2024 - Investment and Innovation in Loughborough

Fri 13th September

A free to attend event which will focus on Investment and Innovation in Loughborough with influential members of town planning being held on Wednesday 18th September 2024.

East Midlands Chamber: Latest Economic Survey now live

Wed 28th August

The survey is for anyone in a business to answer and by taking part, you give your organisation a voice on the local and national stage.